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The Children's School in Seattle has been at the forefront of providing quality and affordable preschool education for over 50 years. This not-for-profit school has been fortunate to maintain quality teacher, a low teacher-student ratio, low turnover rate but is still struggles to recruit quality...Read more
June, Washington
My employer provides on site daycare. They subsidize it, so our teachers have good salaries, good benefits, healthcare, etc. It is an excellent center and the teachers have great longevity. The convenience was key to me being able to breast feed both of my daughters beyond their first birthday...Read more
Dina, Washington
I have been unable to afford childcare for over a year now. Because, childcare is so cost prohibitive in Los Angeles, it is more cost effective to stay home than to work. I have many friends in the same position and all of us had to give up our jobs because childcare is more expensive than we can...Read more
I was lucky enough to be able to stay home for the first year of my daughter's life, but as her first birthday approached I knew it was financially time to get started again. The daycares in my area were all acceptable, but most were warehouse type "kindercare" places. I wanted a more personal and...Read more
As a recent PhD graduate, I've been looking for full-time work while struggling to manage an active 2 year old daughter. I am fortunate to have a grandmother nearby who watches my daughter twice a week. Without her, I would not be able to apply for jobs or keep up with the few contract jobs I do...Read more
I was an Early Childhood Education teacher for over 25 years. Children who have been in a high quality ECE program have a major advantage when they start public or private school. ECE is crucial in developing a lifetime love of learning, socialization with other children and adults, and basics in...Read more
Pat, Utah
in 2008 i was fired from nordstrom along with at least 6 other employees...i spent all of 2009 appealing my case to get my unemployment benifits, working small jobs that i found, taking my son to long beach community college preschool and taking care of my husband on disability... i started...Read more
While living in California, quality early education/childcare cost as much as I was making. Not having a career position as an executive assistant, leaving the workforce seemed the best option, given that I would be working to hold a place in a career path that was my second choice. (I have a...Read more
The cost of childcare is an enormous burden to my family. Both parents have to work but the cost of childcare ($13,000 for childcare/preschool and $3,000 for aftercare) has meant that we have fallen deeper and deeper into debt. For the past year I have been unemployed, so even though my daughter...Read more
I have two children who are 21 months apart. From the time that my oldest started in daycare at 6 weeks of age until the time that my son finished at age 5, we were in 9 different childcare settings. Everytime I thought they were both settled, a teacher changed or they moved to the next classroom...Read more
Anne, Washington
